Universitetsdirektren refererer til rektor. Ansvarlig for introduktion af nye medarbejdere. Styrke og udvikle det tvrfaglige samarbejde internt og eksternt. maj 2023 stillingen som universitetsdirektr p Kbenhavns Universitet. FUNKTIONSBESKRIVELSE SOUSCHEF / LEDER PLEJECENTER 2017 2 Medansvarlig for ledelsesudviklingstiltag. He lives in Copenhagen with his wife and two children. Universitetsdirektr Sren Munk Skydsgaard. In his spare time, Adrian enjoys spending time with family, making music, and riding his vintage moped around the city. He speaks 5 languages and has a TEFL certification.Īdrian is passionate about conducting close-to-practice research (his most recent project focused on language acquisition and integration processes of newly arrived students to international school settings) and is a proud member of the first "ECIS DEIJ Leadership Development Cohort", which has been designed for international school educators who seek to deepen their understanding and strengthen their work in the areas of diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice. Prior to joining Bjørn’s International School, he gained extensive teaching experience in multilingual primary and secondary settings in Spain, Poland, and Denmark.Īdrian holds a Bachelor of Education, a Master’s in Expressive Art Therapies with specialism in Music Therapy, and a Master’s in Education from the IOE at University College London, the world's leading university for education and social science research, teaching, and engagement. Adrian is the IGCSE Global Perspectives and History teacher, English E (CIE Years 10 and 11) form tutor and staff representative for both the International and Danish departments. vice verkstllande direktr, MTV Oy Grnland Anja Jochimsen, souschef i Sektionen for Kultur og Fritid, Direktoratet for Kultur, Uddannelse Island.